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Sardinia Bibliographic Services

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Articles found: 796
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This section contains newspaper articles, interviews, reviews, news and the like regarding books or authors which may be viewed through the website pages. Other documentation, in various digital formats, contained in our database may be found in the Documents section.

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January 2025
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 

Press review

  2020 (1 article)
  2019 (3 articles)
  2018 (3 articles)
  2014 (1 article)
  2013 (19 articles)
  2012 (5 articles)
  2011 (20 articles)
  2010 (8 articles)
  2009 (2 articles)
  2008 (84 articles)
  2007 (30 articles)
  2006 (27 articles)
  2005 (25 articles)
  2004 (18 articles)
  2003 (12 articles)
  2002 (11 articles)
  2001 (3 articles)
  2000 (5 articles)
  1999 (1 article)
  1998 (2 articles)
  1997 (1 article)
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