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Sardinia Bibliographic Services

Sardinia Bibliographic Services
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Sardinian books

Titles found: 12118

The SBS archive contains all of the books published in Sardinia and currently on sale.
The catalogue is updated constantly with all the latest publishing news and is continuously revised on the basis of the availability of the titles.

The publications are described using the ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) standard. The additional information complies with criteria that are widely used in Italy (ISTAT, Informazioni Editoriali).
In addition, the archive contains the most comprehensive list of Sardinian publishers. This list, too, is constantly updated by our expert personnel.

The SBS archive provides a series of data that enables users to pinpoint the book they are looking for: title, author(s), edition details (number, place, year...), the physical description of the book (type of binding, number of pages, dimensions), the genre, the collection and the secondary authors. There is even a special area with additional information. Moreover, the availability of the title is also indicated (on general sale, available through the publisher only, etc.). If the title is on general sale, the customer can visit SBS-associated booksellers to order or purchase it.

All of the publications have a unique distinguishing code: the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), which - as of 2008 - must contain thirteen figures. If a publication does not have its own ISBN, the SBS system will automatically assign a code (featuring the letters 'SBS'; although similar, this code does not take the place of the ISBN).

Promotional titles

HIGHLIGHT. The mark distinguishing books that are the subject of a promotion.UPCOMING. The mark distinguishing books that are about to be published. For promotional titles, distinguished by the 'Highlight' and 'Upcoming' marks, some additional information is provided, such as the promotional profile, interviews with the author, reviews and audio/visual material. SBSpro subscribers can access exclusive news on the 'Upcoming' titles.
  All the 'Highlight' titles

SBS accessibility modes

The information contained in the SBS archive can be accessed in two ways: as a 'reader' (browsing only, accessible to all) or as a professional user (for subscribers, with reserved access).

Public access

All visitors to the site can carry out searches for books through the sections and links shown or by entering one or more details in the search mask: book title, author, publisher, year of publication, etc.

Access for professional users: SBSpro

As well as being able to access a series of additional promotional services, professional users (e.g. booksellers, newsagents, schools, publishers, distributors, libraries and associations) can access all of the details contained within the SBS archive via the sections of the site, the links displayed and a special advanced search mask.
The systematic nature of the information in the archive allows not only for a complete description of the book in question but also for the generation of the bibliographic profile and the identification of the distributor and/or publisher.
Only those who meet the necessary requirements and who have taken out an annual subscription may qualify as professional users.

SBS's services make it possible to enhance relationships with clients, facilitating the search for a title published in Sardinia and assisting service provision in general.
Schools, especially, can use the archive to explore the entire publishing scene in Sardinia, classified in terms of genre and subject, enabling students to make a more informed choice as regards the books available in the school library.

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Sardinia Bibliographic Services
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