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Miniere al sole

guida al parco geominerario storico e ambientale della Sardegna
Miniere al sole - Susanna Lavazza, AM&D Edizioni (2008)

Mining sites open to the public, surrounding museums, temples and grottos, excursions to the seaside or inland, festivals, various forms of accomodation and good restaurants: a guide to a lesser known, wild Sardinia, rich in potential experiences for the curious tourist.

Author/s Susanna Lavazza
Translator/s Mark Andrew Grace
Illustrator/s Susanna Lavazza
et al.
Publisher AM&D Edizioni
Edition Cagliari, May 2008
Pages 128 (illustrated)
Series Le guide culturali, n° 1
Genre Guides
Format Paper 
Price € 12,00
Introduction Susanna Lavazza
Foreword Giampiero Pinna
Release language

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The work

Mining sites open to the public, surrounding museums, temples and grottos, excursions to the seaside or inland, festivals, various forms of accomodation and good restaurants: a guide to a lesser known, wild Sardinia, rich in potential experiences for the curious tourist.

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