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Balladas pro tudare unu fusile

Balladas pro tudare unu fusile - Alberto Mario Delogu, Ethos edizioni (2014)

Author/s Alberto Mario Delogu
Illustrator/s Liliana Stefanutti
Publisher Ethos edizioni
Edition Oliena, January 2014
Pages 152 (illustrated)
Genre Poetry
Format Paper 
Price € 14,00
Foreword Giacomo Mameli
et al.
Release language

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The work

Born in different languages in the span of nearly a decade, transposed (not translated!) in the other three languages, the Ballads to Bury a Rifle are poems to recite and chant, tales of war, oppression and liberation, of hunger for bread and peace, misunderstood identity, uprooting and privileges, and heroes without a rifle. From If You Knew, winner of the Gramsci Prize for Sardinian poetry in 2006, to the Ballad to Bury a Rifle, secular prayer with a Mediterranean backdrop, through stark and poignant His Healing Hands, devious Servants, technological Surrender, hypocritical Florelatívide, patriotic Identity and aristocratic Cradle Destinies.

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