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San Teodoro

history of a coastal town in Gallura · The territory and the Museum
San Teodoro - Paola Mancini, Taphros (2014)

Author/s Paola Mancini
Publisher Taphros
Edition Olbia, 2014
Pages 144 (illustrated)
Series I Libri Ocra
Genre Guides
Format Paper 
Price € 25,00
Presentation Giovanni Maria Raspitzu
Bruno Massabò
Release language English
Original language Italian

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The work

This book traces the early history of San Teodoro, its territory and its sea, from prehistory to the Middle Ages. An important part is dedicated to the catalogue of the exhibits in the Museo delle Civiltà del Mare coming mainly from deposits and shipwrecks in the waters of the coast between Loiri Porto San Paolo, San Teodoro and Budoni. The pages of this book reveal a past rich with events and relationships, especially with people from overseas.

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  The work