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un antico borgo di Gallura
Aggius - Tonio Biosa, Taphros (2005)

Breve monografia che traccia un esaustivo profilo storico, ambientale e sociale di Aggius, importante villa della Gallura superiore.

Author/s Tonio Biosa
Publisher Taphros
Edition Olbia, 2005
Pages 60 (illustrated)
Series Memoria storica
Genre Non-fiction
Format Paper 
Price € 10,00
Release language Italian

  Further details

The work

Aggius is one of the most ancient places of Gallura; set more than 500 meters above sea level in terns of height.
In front of it there is the imposing massif of Limbara - The second mountain of Sardinia - And Just at its shoulders there is an articulated chain of mountains which confers a unicue view to the town that always been celebrated.

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