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Servitzios Bibliograficos Sardos

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Iskìda of the Land of Nurak

illustrations and making-of
Iskìda of the Land of Nurak - Daniela Serri, Daniela Orrù, Condaghes (2019)

The complete illustrations of the trilogy

This publication collects all the figures and making-of of the three seasons of the saga Iskìda of the Land of Nurak (Iskìda della Terra di Nurak).


Autore/es Daniela Serri
Daniela Orrù
Editore Condaghes
Editzione Cagliari, Martzu 2019
Pàginas - (pintadu)
Collana Kìndhalos
Genia Pitzocos
Suportu E-book 
Prèsu € 1,99
Limba de publicatzione Inglesu

  Àteros piessignos


The ebook contains over 130 pictures:
- 30 full-page tables of the First Season "The Sleep Amulet";
- 17 tables of the Second Season "Dream Walker";
- 18 tables of the Third Season "Akasha´s Song";
- 40 main and secondary character studies;
- 30 making-of tables, characters and covers;
- map of Nurak with the runes and the clans; - descriptions of the trilogy and the biographies of the Author and the Artists.
The illustrations are subtitled with phrases taken from text that originally inspired the drawings.


All the drawings are in black and white with the exception of the covers of the three volumes.

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Servitzios Bibliograficos Sardos