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La Maddalena e il suo Arcipelago

La Maddalena e il suo Arcipelago - Barbara Calanca, Carlo Delfino editore & C. (2012)

Author/s Barbara Calanca
Translator/s Richard Pierce
Illustrator/s Barbara Calanca
et al.
Publisher Carlo Delfino editore & C.
Edition Sassari, July 2012
Pages 168 (illustrated)
Genre Guides
Format Paper 
Price € 39,00
Presentation Angelo Comiti
Introduction Barbara Calanca
Release language Italian
Bilingual text on facing pages English

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The work

By leafing through this work one realizes what a rich heritage we in the archipelago have been blessed with — above all its incomparable natural beauty and the unique combination of political events, economic enterprises, immigration and emgration, world wars, Mediterranean empires, Benedectine monasteries, and the personal and everyday stories of both heroes and common people. We trust that this book will encourage those who have never been here to discover our islands, and stimulate those who have already been here to return. .

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